I’m Anna

Hello, I’m Anna. I am a lightworker/ energy healer. I have been reading tarot since I was seventeen, and I have always known something was different about me, but I did not start tuning into my gifts until January 2023. When I was a little girl, I was always able to read people’s energy, as well as get flashes of people’s past lives but I never understood what it meant. I have always been able to tell when school was cancelled or when work would be let out early right when I would wake up in the morning, before anyone would tell me school or work would be cancelled. As I went through my dark night of the soul, my gifts or abilities started opening up more and more as I went through my healing and my twin flame journey.

I am an intuitive healer, energy working, I have Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, and Claircognizant abilities as well as precognitions and a QHHT Practitioner. My path in life is to help people ascend into their higher dimensional selves and help them get attuned to the paths they are meant to be taken in this lifetime.

Life and the healing journal is an emotional rollercoaster, so don’t do it alone and let others help you.